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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Star Wars Saga Movie Review by Jimmy

Okay, I know what you're gonna say: Star Wars was released over 30 years ago.
As true as this may be, I ask myself, how would I describe Star Wars to someone who has never seen it? Would I simply say, watch A New Hope, or would I just pick one at random and say go for it. So I tell you my friends I have the answer. Not everyone was privileged enough to grow up on the original trilogy, some passed it by as a stupid space movie comparing it to other sub par movies of the genre. While others maybe just aren't movie lovers or felt simply that it wasn't there cup of tea. So in today's age I say to you if you haven't seen them now is the time. There are three very different ways you can view the Star Wars saga. The original trilogy, the prequels, and the saga. So if you have never seen Star Wars I am at least sure you have heard the famous line "No, I am your father", or heard of the infamous Luke and Leia kiss. So that being said watching the originals first for a first timer isn't going to give you any big surprises that it would have before the prequels were released. So my recommendation is to start with episode one. This starts the saga as the story of Anakin as the prequels were intended to tell and the original trilogy telling the story of Luke. But after seeing the sag in it's whole you will quickly learn or at least in my opinion just simply the rise and fall of Anakin, from a certain point of view. The saga does truly take you to a place few movies will ever or hope to take you. With immense visual as well as musically based story telling, this film not a movie is a must see for anyone any age. You may ask how can you use music to tell a story, well my friends once you have seen the saga then you will understand. This is one of the few films where you may see a scene from the movie, maybe a poster, or even a t-shirt and 9 out of 10 times the first thing to pop in your mind will be the music. And with ILM heading the visual department it's not hard to see why it is so visually great. So go out rent buy or borrow but watch these films. And to finish I will rate my favorite films of the saga.

1. Revenge of the Sith 9/10- Looking at it there in my opinion is nothing wrong with this installment of the film. I would only would have like to have seen more of Anakin's descent into the dark side.

2. The Empire Strikes Back 9/10- Again very few things wrong with this film if anything at all. Oh wait more LANDO!!!

3. Return of the Jedi 8/10- Ok, honestly I gave it an 8 just simply because of the Ewoks

4. The Phantom Menace 7/10- Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd's acting. Other than that great way to start the saga

5. A new Hope 7/10- The first, ground breaking on every level, in some spots the story did feel rushed or not explained.

6. Attack of the Clones 5/10- Ok, the first of the films to be shot entirely in digital, might have wanted to use a smaller film to be the "experiment " with digital filming, and the whole love story just felt kind of forced and creepy at moments.

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