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Best Tarantino Film?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Zodiac by Patrick

I stumbled upon this film by chance by looking through the $5 DVD bin at Wal-Mart. After seeing that is was directed by David Fincher (Benjamin Button, Fight Club, Seven), and after looking at the cast, I just had to buy it at that price.

The film is about the unsolved case of a criminal in the late sixties and early seventies and is based on the book by writer/cartoonist Robert Graysmith, who incidentally was working at the San Francisco Chronicle, the paper which received the letters from the killer. Jake Ghyllenhaal portrays Graysmith, Robert Downey, Jr as reporter Paul Avery, and Mark Ruffalo as the detective who is assigned to the case. The film accomplishes at being a tense, well-acted and directed thriller, without the need of being overly graphic, but those who are looking for pure chills and thrills be advised to look elsewhere - this is more about putting the puzzle together than showing needless violence over and over.


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